DUBUS magazine Archive
Link Title Pages Size Author
8203-1 13 cm transverter 8p 375k DF5QZ
8203-2 13 cm power amplifier 3p 103k DC8UG
8301-1 6 cm linear amplifier 6p 308k DF5QZ
8301-2 Comments to a 70cm long yagi array 5p 274k SP1DSU
8301-3 IC402 modifications 5p 274k DC0HW
8301-4 Reflectometer with coaxial coupler 6p 368k DF3CX
8302-1 Log periodic antenna 1.0-3.5GHz 3p 66k DC8CE
8302-2 Reflectometer with coaxial coupler (part II) 8p 449k DF3CX
8302-3 ETM 8c for MS 1p 51k OE3CEW
8302-4 Comparison of different feed horns for dish antennas 7p 232k DL7YC
8302-5 Correction to Dubus 4/82 1p 32k LA8AK
8302-6 Application of microwave GaAs-Fets 10p 606k
8304-1 Application of microwave GaAs-Fets (part II) 4p 308k
8304-2 Broadband amplifier for 13 and 9 cm 3p 107k DL7QY
8401-1 24 GHz baugruppen 2p 185k DK2RV
8401-2 7W 2320 MHz Linear verstarker 5p 284k DL7QY
8401-3 Up converter for MS use 1p 53k LA8AK
8401-4 Two stage 5760 MHz GaAs Fet amplifier 2p 180k DL7QY
8402-1 Frequency doubler from 2.5 GHz to 5 GHz with GaAs FET 4p 510k DC0DA
8402-2 Three band GaAs FET amplifier 1000 - 4000 MHz 2p 88k DL7QY
8402-3 Modular 10GHz SSB transverter 14p 1474k DL8RAH
8402-4 10GHz GaAsFET amplifier using Nec70083 and microstrip filter 2p 213k DL7QY
8403-1 430 - 10GHz multiplier using S3015A 4p 230k JA1EPK
8403-2 A simple power supply for TWT amplifiers 5p 324k DL7QY
8403-3 Frequency prescalers for microwave bands 6p 352k HB9MIN
8403-4 750W 432MHz linear power amplifier with RS1064 6p 889k DB6NT
8403-5 The experiments of injection locking 3p 141k JA1DGF
8403-6 Transistorized 23cm linear amps 6, 16 and 30W output 11p 1517k DL7QY
8404-1 GaAs FET preamplifier for the 3cm band 2p 145k I1MMS
8404-2 2m & 70cm low cost GaAS MES FET amplifiers 3p 474k DL7QY
8404-3 23cm PA with TH316 9p 1077k DK2GR
8404-4 Thermal power meter 10MHz - 14GHz 4p 509k DB9SB
8501-1 Low cost 23 cm linear transverter 11p 1011k PA0LPE
8502-1 High performance SSB/CW duoband transceiver SSCW702 35p 2825k DL7QY
8502-2 Two stage amplifier for 23cm band 1p 53k F6DZK
8502-3 Mechanical indicator of doppler shift for EME 3p 463k OK1KIR
8503-1 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part II) 20p 2229k DL7QY
8503-2 144 MHz high power amplifier 8p 1049k ON5FF
8503-3 Coupling line for 8x23 el 1296 MHz 2p 68k F6DZK
8503-4 1.3 GHz GaAsFET transverter module 10p 1139k OE9PMJ
8504-1 3cm pillbox antenna 4p 134k DK2RV
8504-2 Resonator filter for the 3cm band 3p 108k DK2UO
8504-3 Control circuits for an EME station 4p 231k SO1MN
8504-4 Using TBA120 for MS reception 3p 109k LA8AK
8504-5 1296 MHz Power amplifier 12p 643k OE9PMJ
8504-6 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part III) 23p 1318k DL7QY
8601-1 CW sidetone for IC202 1p 67k DL9SBS
8601-2 Resonator filter for the 9, 6 and 3cm bands 2p 108k DK2AB
8601-3 GaAs FET 13cm transverter 10p 705k DC8UG
8601-4 3cm circular waveguide from copper pipe 3p 132k DK2UO
8601-5 Feeding parabolic dishes with horn antennas 13p 855k DK2RV
8601-6 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part IV) 6p 262k DL7QY
8602-1 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part V) 9p 655k DL7QY
8602-2 Inexpensive and accurate RF mV meter 1p 75k LA8AK
8602-3 Printed 2el antennas for 23 an 13 cm bands 1p 37k OE9PMJ
8602-4 Wideband horn 1.2-2.4 GHz 2p 132k OE9PMJ
8602-5 1m40 parabolic dish f/d = 0.5 3p 288k OE9PMJ
8602-6 10GHz Transverter in microstrip technique 33p 1787k DL1RQ
8602-7 13cm preamplifier and 13 power amplifier 6p 371k DC8UG
8602-8 Deterioration of EME S/N by polarisation rotation 2p 127k DF5AI
8603-1 PLL SSB notes for 10 GHz 2p 101k LA8AK
8603-2 GaAs FET doubler with mixer for 24 GHz 6p 880k DB6NT
8603-3 3.8 GHz divider by 4 3p 157k HB9MIN
8603-4 Feeding parabolic dishes with horn antennas (part II) 7p 424k DK2RV
8603-4 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part V) 11p 725k DL7QY
8604-1 Improvement of weak signal detection with binaural reception 7p 514k DF1DM
8604-2 Tripler from 3456 to 10368 4p 229k PA0EHG
8604-3 Transistorized 23cm power amplifier for the 23cm band 4p 215k F6DZK
8604-4 Two PCB transverter for the 9cm band 11p 549k DD2EK
8604-5 Redesigned 10GHz SSB transverter 8p 350k DL1RQ
8604-6 SSCW 702 SSB/CW 2m & 70cm duoband transceiver (part VII) 8p 462k DL7QY
8604-7 SSB-Signalaufbereitung fuer die microwellenbander 1p 56k DK2RV
8701-1 Oscillator for SHF transverter in SMD technic 4p 321k DC0DA
8701-2 Relay control for power amplifiers 3p 84k DL6NCI
8701-3 GaAs FET quadrupler 3->2 GHz for DB6NT portable 24 GHz transverter 4p 263k DC0DA
8701-4 Low cost high performance mixer up to 2500MHz 2p 71k OE9PMJ
8702-1 LO for 10 GHz transverter 3p 209k DJ6JJ
8702-2 Complementation od cylindrical resonator cavities 3p 143k DK2AB
8702-3 Experiences with matched microwaves striplines 3p 123k DK2AB
8702-4 Sideband noise of amateur stations 8p 1295k DL7QY
8703-1 Tuning aid for valve power amplifiers 1p 32k OE9PMJ
8703-2 3.7 GHz divider by 1000 4p 187k DB9SB
8703-3 Sideband noise of amateur stations 3p 439k DL7QY
8703-4 Single board 10GHz transverter 7p 304k DJ6JJ
8703-5 Precision Wattmeter with automatic VSWR indication 12p 684k DJ9BV
8703-6 Non reciprocal wave propagation with faraday rotation 3p 179k DF1DM
8704-1 Effective noise temperature of 4 yagi arrays for 432 EME 13p 598k DJ9BV
8704-2 Circular waveguide rearfeed for parabolic dishes 2p 120k DK2RV
8704-3 Modification of the LA8AK MS timer for 1, 2.5 and 5 mn 4p 143k LA8AK
8801-1 Simple TWT power supply 2p 126k LA6LCA
8801-2 Transistorized 24GHz transverter 9p 732k DB6NT
8801-3 Transistorized 1W amplifier simulation for the 3cm band 1p 50k F6DZK
8802-1 2304 power amplifier 4p 152k VE4MA
8802-2 Measurements on a 24GHz DB6NT transverter 8p 391k DC0DA
8802-3 Active frequency quadrupler 4p 423k DC0DA
8802-4 3cm band GaAsFET power amplifier 2p 158k DC0DA
8803-1 Gain and performance data of 144 MHz antennas 9p 317k DJ9BV
8804-1 Noise figure measurements results 3rd int. EME conference 4p 138k DJ9BV
8804-2 Low noise GaAsFets preamps for EME Construction and measurements problems 18p 675k DJ9BV
8804-3 Two stage preamp for 432 EME 3p 96k DL9KR
8901-1 Waveguide filter for 24GHz 2p 412k DC0DA
8901-2 Improving S-meter for IC202 1p 86k LA8AK
8902-1 70cm EME PA with 1K+ output (part1) 6p 535k OZ9ZI
8902-2 Gain and performance data of 432 MHz antennas 4p 352k DJ9BV
8902-3 Hints on DB6NT's 24GHz transverter 1p 53k DB6NT
8903-1 70cm EME PA with 1K+ output (part2) 11p 608k OZ9ZI
8903-2 5.7GHz Amplifiers 7p 164k JE1AAH
8903-3 High performance 432MHz preamp 4p 85k F1EHN
8903-4 47GHz Station 4p 94k OE9PMJ
8904-1 Ultra stable microwave LO 4p 119k F1GAS
8904-2 10 GHz Amplifiers 6p 141k JE1AAH
8904-3 Deep dish feed horns revisited 5p 138k VE4MA
8904-4 DL6WU Yagi for 2320 MHz 3p 81k DC3XY
8904-5 76 GHz Station 3p 53k OE9PMJ
9001-1 50 MHz Transverter 9p 231k OE9PMJ
9001-2 SSB components for millimetric waves (24 & 47GHz) 7p 175k HB9MIN
9001-3 5.76 GHz Up converter 3p 59k LA6LCA
9001-4 Yagi antennas for 144 MHz 12p 236k DJ9BV
9002-1 Novel approach to automatic noise figure measurement 10p 331k DJ9BV
9002-2 Construction of a precision noise figure measurement system 11p 294k DJ9BV
9002-3 The FAI beacon DB0FAI 8p 268k DL4MEA
9002-4 Triplate directional couplers 11p 207k F1GAS
9002-5 Low noise no tune preamp for 23/24cm 6p 132k FD1FLN
9002-6 10GHz T/R Module 7p 430k JE1AAH
9002-7 Flash-over protection for PA's 3p 79k OE5JFL
9003-1 1 W power amplifier for 10 GHz 7p 176k JE1AAH
9003-2 Coax relay with RF vox 5p 119k DL4MEA
9003-3 Construction of a precision noise figure measurement system (part2) 19p 508k DJ9BV
9003-4 Three tubes amplifier for 144 MHz 7p 165k OE3JPC
9003-5 Regulated screen supplies and protection for tetrode amplifiers 10p 322k G3SEK
9003-6 50 MHz linear amplifier 5p 89k PE1DAB
9004-1 12 GHz LO for 24 & 47 GHz 9p 390k DB6NT
9004-2 How to use a Noise-Figure Meter 20p 960k DJ9BV
9004-3 Construction of folded dipoles for 2m yagis 3p 190k PE1DAB
9004-4 Details on 10 Ghz T/R Module 4p 145k JE1AAH
9004-5 Hints for PANFI Construction 9p 372k DJ9BV DF7VX
9004-6 2m EME Antenna with open-wire feed system 5p 368k DL1GBF
9004-7 Optimum Bias Circuit for Linear Power Transistors 3p 144k DF4LY
9101-1 A Simple 10GHz Transverter 9p 389k DB6NT DC0DA
9101-2 200mW Two Stage Amplifier for 10GHz 4p 129k DB6NT
9101-3 How to use Open Wire Feedlines 5p 235k PA3AEF
9101-4 A simple solution for a PANFI 3p 170k PA0EZ
9102-1 Triband Microwave Dishfeed 6p 469k DK8SG
9102-2 High Power GaAs-FET Amplifiers for 9cm 11p 470k DB6NT
9102-3 Modifications for 10 Ghz Transverter 6p 174k DB6NT
9102-4 High Gain Yagis for 432 Mhz 12p 617k DJ9BV
9102-5 24 Ghz Transverter with HEMT's (Part I) 12p 449k JE1AAH
9103-1 Just another 50 Mhz Transverter 9p 337k DF9CY
9103-2 Transverter for 5.7GHz 13p 650k DB6NT
9103-3 24 Ghz Transverter with HEMT's (Part II) 9p 373k JE1AAH
9103-4 Yagi Simulation: CAD-Software for Evaluation and Development (Part I) 15p 749k DJ9BV DL6WU
9104-1 Yagi Simulation: CAD-Software for Evaluation and Development (Part II) 15p 872k DJ9BV DL6WU
9104-2 5.7 Ghz Transverter: LO 6p 253k DB6NT
9104-3 Transverter for 3.4 Ghz 11p 503k DB6NT
9104-4 3.4 Ghz Transverter: LO 3p 94k DB6NT
9104-5 Low Noise Preamp for 1.3 Ghz 14p 661k DJ9BV
9104-6 4W GaAs-FET Amplifier for 10 Ghz 3p 192k DB6NT
9201-1 Transverter for 47 Ghz 14p 82k DB6NT
9201-2 Antenna Control System for EME 17P 526K F1EHN
9201-3 High performance RF Switch for 10 Ghz 5p 319k I3OPW IV3FDO
9201-4 Yagi Simulation: CAD-Software for Evaluation and Development (Part III) 21p 1293k DJ9BV DL6WU
9201-5 Accurate Digital Display for Antenna Rotators 3p 146k OE3JPC
9201-6 Simple dB-linear S-meter for microwave converter 2p 99k HB9MIN
9202-1 Transverter for 76 Ghz 12p 737 DB6NT
9202-2 Measuring on 76 Ghz SHF-mixer for spectrum analyser 1p 35k DB6NT
9202-3 High IP-LNA for 432 Mhz 5p 199k DJ9BV
9202-4 Improvement of Yagis through suppressors 6p 249k DL1KBN
9202-5 High Power TWT's 4p 191k HB9SLV
9203-1 Computer simulation of Parabolic Dishes 20p 827k OE5JFL
9203-2 8W GaAs-FET Amplifier for 6 cm 4p 212k DB6NT
9203-3 Performance Evaluation for EME-Systems 9p 441k DJ9BV F6HYE
9203-4 HEMT LNA for 13 cm 7p 302k DJ9BV
9203-5 Yagi Simulation: CAD-Software for Evaluation and Development (Part IV) 25p 1152k DJ9BV DL6WU
9204-1 23 cm Linear Transverter 12p 1107k DB6NT DF9LN
9204-2 Combining of TWT's on 10 GHz 8p 349k HB9AGE
9204-3 GaAs FET Power Amplifier for 13 cm 2p 62k JE1AAH