Note: - Further updates are planned, check back here from time to time.
World, Europe, USA and individual Field (large square) maps.
Plain text file output of summaries,
for checking or awards, of squares confirmed and/or worked -
square, call, date worked, dx in km, sorted by field and square.
Summary maps can be printed or exported as .jpg files.
ADIF (Version3) and EDIF (Version 1) log-file import facility.
Requires 1024 x 768 or larger VGA display, Windows and Pentium 250MHz or better.
Works with Win 98, XP, Vista and Windows 7 and 10.
SQ uses all the screen - so you may need to minimise the taskbar to see
the lower edge of the screen.
Package includes manual in Word format.
Free for private non-commercial use.
Version 2.80 fixes a bug in ADIF import, adds a jpg graphic export button to the main map screen, and has some general cosmetic improvements. A revised manual is included.
Click here to download the full SQ package, version 2.80
Unzip the contents of this this file to a temporary directory and run setup, which will install the program.
IMPORTANT - do read the SQ.doc file before running the program!
If you already have version 2.x installed, then just download the zip file containing the revised sq.exe version 2.80, and copy over the existing one.
Please let me know of any problems, and I'll do my best to resolve them.
Email me!
Some screenshots follow:
Sample Square Display/Edit screen, cropped for clarity
Small print: This software is � R P Blackwell. Map files are via Roger Hedin's Great Circle Maps for Windows, originally from the Central Intelligence Agency. This program contains/uses data placed in the public domain by Fred Pospeschil and Antonio Riveria. Whilst care has been taken in the production of this program, no liability is accepted for any consequences as a result of using or installing this program. Use at your own risk, and make sure you have backed up important data before installing.
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Page revised 9 January 2017 by GM4PMK